Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Professional Correspondence Sample

Dear [Past Contributor],
2010 is drawing to a close, and Worthy Cause’s 2011 projects are starting to take shape! As you may be aware, our mission at Worthy Cause is to make Pittsburgh a better place. To that end, we are planning two events: The Good Things For Needy People Conference and the Conference to Put People to Work. The Good Things Conference will be a gathering of local benefactors, brainstorming together to seek a prosperous future for Pittsburgh’s needy. Complementing The Good Things Conference, the Conference to Put People to Work will bring together community members to build a bank of available work, and liasons between employers and the un- and under-employed, as an outreach of Worthy Cause's goals. Together these two initiatives can make extraordinary ideas into extraordinary real world results! As you have dedicated yourself, as an educator in the region, we know you’ve seen the great potential of our region, and we hope you will support us.
Neither of the 2011 Conferences will succeed without your financial support. We are asking you to contribute to the cost of hosting and running the events. Donations in the amounts of $50, $100, and $150 or above will be acknowledged with a prominent listing in our programs; all donations are appreciated! We’ve enclosed an envelope for your convenience, or you can donate electronically online at WorthyCause.org.
Your contribution will be invaluable to the collaboration—and we hope knowing you’re a part of our ongoing efforts to inspire Pittsburgh inspires you, as well! For more information on 2011’s events, see our site (www.worthycause.org).
Thank you for your consideration and your ongoing support of Worthy Cause. We hope to hear from you soon.

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